
Our training center offers online courses on creating themes for websites and applications using Bootstrap.

Bootstrap is an open-source framework developed by Twitter. It provides a set of ready-to-use CSS and JavaScript components to quickly create a beautiful and adaptive user interface. Bootstrap makes it easy to work with grid, forms, navigation, buttons, modal windows, cards and many other UI elements.

To create professional websites and applications, it’s important to not only know the basics of Bootstrap, but also the ability to create custom themes, customizing the style to fit the unique needs of the project.

Our online courses offer a convenient and flexible learning system. Students can study the materials at their convenience, complete assignments and practice lessons without leaving their home or office. This is especially convenient for those who have limited schedules or live in remote regions.

We have professional teachers and experts in the field of web development. This allows students to gain valuable knowledge and experience from practitioners familiar with best practices and current trends in UI development.

Online courses include hands-on assignments and projects that allow students to directly apply their knowledge in practice. This helps solidify the material and develop the skills needed for a successful career in web development.

Students first learn the basics of Bootstrap: the grid, typography, colors, components, and other elements. This builds a solid understanding of the framework’s basic tools and features.

Once students have mastered the basics of Bootstrap, they move on to creating custom themes. This includes working with variables, styles, adapting to mobile devices and providing a unique design.

Courses offer real-world projects where students can apply their knowledge and skills in creating themes for websites and apps. This can include developing sites of varying levels of complexity, from lendings to web applications.