
Bootstrap, one of the most popular frameworks for frontend development, offers an efficient and flexible way to create adaptive web pages. One of the key components of Bootstrap is the Grid System, which allows developers to create grid layouts and provides excellent adaptability.

Bootstrap Grid System is a grid system based on 12 columns that help organize content on a web page. It provides the ability to create responsive layouts that adapt to different devices, from large desktops to mobile devices.

The basic principles of Grid System are

12-column grid:
Grid System consists of 12 columns, making it a convenient and flexible development tool. Developers can combine these columns to create a variety of layouts.

Classes for Columns:
Bootstrap offers classes, such as .col-, that allow you to define how many columns an element will occupy in the grid. For example, .col-6 will take up half the width of the parent container.

Bootstrap’s grid must be placed in containers. There are two types of containers: .container, which has a fixed width, and .container-fluid, which takes up the entire available screen width.

Columns can be nested within each other to create more complex layouts.

Bootstrap Grid System is a powerful tool that provides flexibility and simplicity in creating responsive layouts. Learning and understanding its principles allows developers to create effective and colorful web pages for a wide range of devices.